

SNS is a web service that coordinates and manages the delivery or sending of messages to subscribing endpoints or clients.


Property Type Description
subscription object Subscription for SNS topic.


Property Type Description
default Object The advanced section of CloudFront module. You can pass the values as per terraform modules inputs - https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/sns_topic_subscription


Property Type Description
protocol string Protocol to use.
confirmation_timeout_in_minutes integer Integer indicating number of minutes to wait in retrying mode for fetching subscription arn before marking it as failure.
delivery_policy string JSON String with the delivery policy
endpoint string ARN of the Amazon SQS queue.
endpoint_auto_confirms boolean Whether the endpoint is capable of auto confirming subscription
filter_policy string JSON String with the filter policy that will be used in the subscription to filter messages seen by the target resource.
filter_policy_scope string Enum: [“MessageAttributes”, “MessageBody”]
raw_message_delivery boolean Whether to enable raw message delivery
redrive_policy string JSON String with the redrive policy that will be used in the subscription
replay_policy string JSON String with the archived message replay policy that will be used in the subscription.



Name Type Description
sns_queue_name string Name of the SNS
consumer_policy_arn string Policy ARN for consumer
consumer_policy_arn string Policy ARN for producer
topic_arn string ARN of the SNS