

A service level intent which can be


Property Type Required Description
flavor string Yes Implementation selector for the resource. e.g. for a resource type ingress, default, aws_alb, gcp_alb etc.
kind string Yes Describes the type of resource. e.g. ingress, application, mysql etc. If not specified, fallback is the folder_name/instances
metadata object Yes Metadata related to the resource
spec object Yes Specification as per resource types schema
version string Yes This field can be used to pin to a particular version
advanced object No Advanced section of kind service
depends_on   No Dependencies on other resources. e.g. application x may depend on mysql
disabled boolean No Flag to disable the resource
lifecycle string No This field describes the phase in which the resource has to be invoked (ENVIRONMENT_BOOTSTRAP) Possible values are: ENVIRONMENT_BOOTSTRAP.
out object No Output given by the resource for others to refer.
provided boolean No Flag to tell if the resource should not be provisioned by facets


Specification as per resource types schema


Property Type Required Description
enable_host_anti_affinity boolean Yes boolean to enable or disable host anti affinity
release object Yes Map of all release keys
runtime object Yes Map of all runtime keys
type string Yes This will specify the type of service you want to create. Possible values are: application, statefulset, cronjob, job.
env object Yes The key value pairs of all the environment variables that needs to be passed to the pod
restart_policy string No Possible values are: Always, OnFailure, Never.


Map of all release keys

Property Type Required Description
strategy object Yes The type of upgrade strategy to be followed by this service
build object No These contains the build objects required for running the containers
disruption_policy object No The disruption policy for the service
image string No The docker image of the application that you want to run
image_pull_policy string No ImagePullPolicy


These contains the build objects required for running the containers

Property Type Required Description
artifactory string Yes Parent artifactory name
name string Yes Name of the artifactory


The disruption policy for the service

Property Type Required Description
max_available string No This is the max number of pods should be available in case of failures
max_unavailable string No This is the max number of pods that can be unavailable during a failure.


The type of upgrade strategy to be followed by this service

Property Type Required Description
max_available string No If type RollingUpdate , this is the max number of pods that can be created from the default replicas
max_unavailable string No If type RollingUpdate , this is the max number of pods that can be unavailable from the default replicas
type string Yes Your kubernetes rollout type , Possible values are: RollingUpdate, Recreate.


Map of all runtime keys


Property Type Required Description
health_checks object Yes All the health check related key value pairs
ports object Yes Maps of all the ports that you want to expose in the service
size object Yes Size of the deployment pods
args array No The list of arguments you want to pass for the above mentioned command
autoscaling object No  
command array No The list of commands you want to perform before starting the container
metrics object No Maps of all the metrics port that you want to expose to prometheus
volumes object No All the volumes you want to attach to the service


Property Type Required Description
cpu_threshold string No The max cpu threshold that the hpa waits until it upscales
max string No This is the max replicas where the hpa upscales to
min string No This is the min replicas where the hpa downscales to
ram_threshold string No The max ram threshold that the hpa waits until it upscales


All the health check related key value pairs

Property Type Required Description
period string Yes This is the repeated interval in which kubelet does a health check
port string Yes Specify the port in which the health checks should be made
start_up_time string Yes The time kubernetes api needs to wait until the application is ready
timeout string Yes Timeout for the health check
liveness_exec_command array No The list of commands to make liveness check
liveness_url string No URL to make the liveness check
readiness_exec_command array No The list of commands to make readiness check
readiness_url string No URL to make the readiness check


Maps of all the metrics port that you want to expose to prometheus

Property Type Required Description
^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$ object No This is the name of the metrics, this can be any name

This is the name of the metrics, this can be any name | Property | Type | Required | Description | |———-|——|———-|————-| | path | string | Yes | The path where the service monitor should scrape metrics | | port_name | string | Yes | Name of the service monitor |


Maps of all the ports that you want to expose in the service | Property | Type | Required | Description | |———-|——|———-|————-| | ^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$ | object | No | This is the name of the port that you have to specify


This is the name of the port that you have to specify | Property | Type | Required | Description | |———-|——|———-|————-| | protocol | string | Yes | The protocol of the port , | type | string | No | Your kubernetes rollout type , Possible values are: tcp, udp | | port | string | Yes | The port number where the pod is exposed |


Size of the deployment pods

Property Type Required Description
cpu string No CPU request in format mentioned @ link
instance string No Instance name in certain cases
memory string No Memory request in format mentioned @ link
volume string No Volume request in kubernetes persistent volumes


All the volumes you want to attach to the service

Property Type Required Description
configs object No The map of all the config maps that you want to mount


The map of all the config maps that you want to mount

| Property | Type | Required | Description | |———-|——|———-|————-| | ^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$ | object | No | The map of all the config maps that you want to mount |


The map of all the config maps that you want to mount | Property | Type | Required | Description | |———-|——|———-|————-| | mount_name | string | Yes | The mount name for the config map | | mount_path | string | Yes | The mount path for the config map |


Advanced section of kind service

Property Type Required Description
aws object No Map of all aws advanced keys
chart object No Map of all chart advanced keys
gcp object No Map of all gcp advanced keys


Map of all aws advanced keys

Property Type Required Description
iam object No This is the iam key where all iam permissions are attached for the deployment


Map of all chart advanced keys

Property Type Required Description
image_pull_secrets array No list of all the image pull secrets for the docker image to be pulled from the repository
node_selector object No Map of all node selectors for the application


Map of all gcp advanced keys

Property Type Required Description
iam object No This is the iam key where all iam permissions are attached for the deployment


Output given by the resource for others to refer.

Property Type Required Description
interfaces object No The output for your service module, this can be generated or provided
