
Schema for KMS


Property Type Required Description
flavor string Yes Implementation selector for the resource. e.g. for a resource type ingress, default, aws_alb, gcp_alb etc.
kind string Yes Describes the type of resource. e.g. ingress, application, mysql etc. If not specified, fallback is the folder_name/instances
metadata object Yes Metadata related to the resource
version string Yes This field can be used to pin to a particular version
advanced object No Additional fields if any for a particular implementation of a resource
conditional_on_intent string No Flag to enable the resource based on intent availability. eg mysql if mysql dashboard is required to be deployed. Note: Need to have the instance running beforehand to avail.
depends_on   No Dependencies on other resources. e.g. application x may depend on mysql
disabled boolean No Flag to disable the resource
lifecycle string No This field describes the phase in which the resource has to be invoked (ENVIRONMENT_BOOTSTRAP) Possible values are: ENVIRONMENT_BOOTSTRAP, ENVIRONMENT.
out object No Output given by the resource for others to refer.
provided boolean No Flag to tell if the resource should not be provisioned by facets
spec object No Specification as per resource types schema


Additional fields if any for a particular implementation of a resource

| Property | Type | Required | Description | |———-|——|———-|————-|


Metadata related to the resource


Property Type Required Description
name string No Name of the resource
      - if not specified, fallback is the filename


Output given by the resource for others to refer.


Property Type Required Description
attributes object No  



Property Type Required Description
kms_aliases string No Aliases of the KMS key
kms_external_key_expiration_model string No Expiration model of the KMS key
kms_external_key_state string No State of the KMS key
kms_external_key_usage string No Usage of the KMS key
kms_grants string No Grants of the KMS key
kms_key_arn string No ARN of the KMS key
kms_key_id string No ID of the KMS key
kms_key_policy string No Policy of the KMS key


Specification as per resource types schema


Property Type Required Description
aliases_use_name_prefix boolean No Determines whether the alias name is used as a prefix
aliases string[] No A list of aliases to create. Note - due to the use of toset(), values must be static strings and not computed values
bypass_policy_lockout_safety_check boolean or null No A flag to indicate whether to bypass the key policy lockout safety check. Setting this value to true increases the risk that the KMS key becomes unmanageable
computed_aliases object No A map of aliases to create. Values provided via the name key of the map can be computed from upstream resources
create_external boolean No Determines whether an external CMK (externally provided material) will be created or a standard CMK (AWS provided material)
create_replica_external boolean No Whether to create an external replica KMS key
create_replica boolean No Determines whether a replica standard CMK will be created (AWS provided material)
custom_key_store_id string or null No ID of the KMS Custom Key Store where the key will be stored instead of KMS (eg CloudHSM).
customer_master_key_spec string or null No Specifies whether the key contains a symmetric key or an asymmetric key pair and the encryption algorithms or signing algorithms that the key supports. Valid values: SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT, RSA_2048, RSA_3072, RSA_4096, HMAC_256, ECC_NIST_P256, ECC_NIST_P384, ECC_NIST_P521, or ECC_SECG_P256K1. Defaults to SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT Possible values are: SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT, RSA_2048, RSA_3072, RSA_4096, HMAC_256, ECC_NIST_P256, ECC_NIST_P384, ECC_NIST_P521, ECC_SECG_P256K1.
deletion_window_in_days integer No The waiting period, specified in number of days. After the waiting period ends, AWS KMS deletes the KMS key. If you specify a value, it must be between 7 and 30, inclusive. If you do not specify a value, it defaults to 30
description string No The description of the key as viewed in AWS console
enable_default_policy boolean No Specifies whether to enable the default key policy. Defaults to true
enable_key_rotation boolean No Specifies whether key rotation is enabled. Defaults to true
enable_route53_dnssec boolean No Specifies whether Route53 DNSSEC signing is enabled
grants object No A map of grant definitions to create
is_enabled boolean No Specifies whether the key is enabled. Defaults to true
key_administrators string[] No A list of IAM ARNs for key administrators
key_asymmetric_public_encryption_users string[] No A list of IAM ARNs for those who will have key usage permissions for asymmetric public encryption
key_asymmetric_sign_verify_users string[] No A list of IAM ARNs for key asymmetric sign and verify users
key_hmac_users string[] No A list of IAM ARNs for key HMAC users
key_material_base64 string or null No Base64 encoded 256-bit symmetric encryption key material to import. The CMK is permanently associated with this key material. External key only
key_owners string[] No A list of IAM ARNs for those who will have full key permissions (kms:*)
key_service_roles_for_autoscaling string[] No A list of IAM ARNs for AWSServiceRoleForAutoScaling roles
key_service_users string[] No A list of IAM ARNs for key service users
key_statements object No A map of IAM policy statements for custom permission usage
key_symmetric_encryption_users string[] No A list of IAM ARNs for key symmetric encryption users
key_usage string or null No Specifies the intended use of the key. Valid values: ENCRYPT_DECRYPT or SIGN_VERIFY. Defaults to ENCRYPT_DECRYPT Possible values are: ENCRYPT_DECRYPT, SIGN_VERIFY.
key_users string[] No A list of IAM ARNs for key users
multi_region boolean No Indicates whether the KMS key is a multi-Region (true) or regional (false) key. Defaults to false
override_policy_documents string[] No List of IAM policy documents that are merged together into the exported document. In merging, statements with non-blank sids will override statements with the same sid
policy string or null No A valid policy JSON document. Although this is a key policy, not an IAM policy, an aws_iam_policy_document, in the form that designates a principal, can be used
primary_external_key_arn string or null No Determines whether a replica external CMK will be created (externally provided material)
primary_key_arn string or null No The primary key arn of a multi-region replica key
rotation_period_in_days integer No Custom period of time between each rotation date. Must be a number between 90 and 2560 (inclusive)
route53_dnssec_sources string[] No Determines whether the KMS policy used for Route53 DNSSEC signing is enabled
source_policy_documents string[] No List of IAM policy documents that are merged together into the exported document. Statements must have unique sids
valid_to string or null No Time at which the imported key material expires. When the key material expires, AWS KMS deletes the key material and the CMK becomes unusable. If not specified, key material does not expire


A map of aliases to create. Values provided via the name key of the map can be computed from upstream resources

| Property | Type | Required | Description | |———-|——|———-|————-|


A map of grant definitions to create

| Property | Type | Required | Description | |———-|——|———-|————-|


A map of IAM policy statements for custom permission usage

| Property | Type | Required | Description | |———-|——|———-|————-|