

Grafana dashboard intent to create Grafana dashboards as ConfigMap in Kubernetes cluster


Property Type Required Description
flavor string Yes Implementation selector for the resource. e.g. for a resource type ingress, default, aws_alb, gcp_alb etc.
kind string Yes Describes the type of resource. e.g. ingress, application, mysql etc. If not specified, fallback is the folder_name/instances
metadata object Yes Metadata related to the resource
spec object Yes Specification as per resource types schema
version string Yes This field can be used to pin to a particular version
advanced object No Additional fields if any for a particular implementation of a resource
depends_on   No Dependencies on other resources. e.g. application x may depend on mysql
disabled boolean No Flag to disable the resource
lifecycle string No This field describes the phase in which the resource has to be invoked (ENVIRONMENT_BOOTSTRAP) Possible values are: ENVIRONMENT_BOOTSTRAP.
out object No Output given by the resource for others to refer.
provided boolean No Flag to tell if the resource should not be provisioned by facets
conditional_on_intent string Yes Defining the resource dashboard is dependent on for implementation. e.g for resource of kind redis, value would be “redis”


Specification as per resource types schema


Property Type Required Description
dashboard object No Grafana Dashboard json data. Please take a look at Dashboard JSON model here https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/dashboards/build-dashboards/view-dashboard-json-model/
preserve_uid boolean No Boolean flag to preserve the dashboard UID being passed in dashboard JSON object. Defaults to false, i.e. the UID is autogenerated.