allowed_triggers |
object |
Map of allowed triggers to create Lambda permissions |
No |
See below |
create_role |
boolean |
Controls whether IAM role for Lambda Function should be created |
No |
true |
lambda_at_edge |
boolean |
Set this to true if using Lambda@Edge, to enable publishing, limit the timeout, and allow to invoke the function |
No |
true |
memory_size |
integer |
Amount of memory in MB your Lambda Function can use at runtime. Valid value between 128 MB to 10,240 MB (10 GB), in 64 MB increments |
No |
1024 |
publish |
boolean |
Map of allowed triggers to create Lambda permissions |
No |
true |
reserved_concurrent_executions |
integer |
The amount of reserved concurrent executions for this Lambda Function. A value of 0 disables Lambda Function from being triggered and -1 removes any concurrency limitations. Defaults to Unreserved Concurrency Limits -1. |
No |
10 |
timeout |
integer |
The amount of time your Lambda Function has to run in seconds. |
No |
30 |
dead_letter_target_arn |
string |
The ARN of an SNS topic or SQS queue to notify when an invocation fails. |
No |
“arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:my-topic” |
tracing_mode |
string |
Tracing mode of the Lambda Function. Valid value can be either “PassThrough” or “Active.” |
No |
“Active” |
compatible_runtimes |
array |
A list of Runtimes this layer is compatible with. Up to 5 runtimes can be specified. |
No |
[“nodejs12.x”, “nodejs14.x”] |
compatible_architectures |
array |
A list of Architectures Lambda layer is compatible with. Currently “x86_64” and “arm64” can be specified. |
No |
[“x86_64”, “arm64”] |
create_async_event_config |
boolean |
Controls whether async event configuration for Lambda Function/Alias should be created |
No |
true |
create_current_version_async_event_config |
boolean |
Whether to allow async event configuration on current version of Lambda Function (this will revoke permissions from previous version because Terraform manages only current resources) |
No |
false |
create_unqualified_alias_async_event_config |
boolean |
Whether to allow async event configuration on unqualified alias pointing to $LATEST version |
No |
true |
maximum_event_age_in_seconds |
integer |
Maximum age of a request that Lambda sends to a function for processing in seconds. Valid values between 60 and 21600. |
No |
3600 |
maximum_retry_attempts |
integer |
Maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error. Valid values between 0 and 2. Defaults to 2. |
No |
1 |
destination_on_failure |
string |
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination resource for failed asynchronous invocations |
No |
“arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:123456789012:my-queue” |
destination_on_success |
string |
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination resource for successful asynchronous invocations |
No |
“arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:my-topic” |
event_source_mapping |
object |
Map of event source mapping |
No |
{“batch_size”: 10} |
use_existing_cloudwatch_log_group |
boolean |
Whether to use an existing CloudWatch log group or create new |
No |
true |
cloudwatch_logs_retention_in_days |
integer |
Specifies the number of days you want to retain log events in the specified log group. Possible values are: 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 365, 400, 545, 731, 1827, and 3653. |
No |
30 |
provisioned_concurrent_executions |
integer |
Amount of capacity to allocate. Set to 1 or greater to enable, or set to 0 to disable provisioned concurrency. |
No |
5 |
cloudwatch_logs_kms_key_id |
string |
The ARN of the KMS Key to use when encrypting log data. |
No |
“arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:123456789012:key/my-key” |
image_config_entry_point |
array |
The ENTRYPOINT for the docker image |
No |
[“node”, “index.js”] |
image_config_command |
array |
The CMD for the docker image |
No |
[“npm”, “start”] |
image_config_working_directory |
string |
The working directory for the docker image |
No |
“/app” |