
AWS DLM Lifecycle Policy Configuration Schema

This document describes the schema for configuring AWS DLM (Data Lifecycle Manager) lifecycle policies for automated snapshot and volume management.

Schema Properties Overview

Below is a table outlining the properties defined in the schema, their types, whether they are required, and a brief description of each.

Property Type Required Description
kind const Yes Specifies the configuration object type for AWS DLM Lifecycle policies.
flavor const Yes Identifies the variant of the policy configuration, set as ‘default’ for the standard configuration.
version const Yes The version of the configuration schema, indicating the schema version or iteration.
spec object Yes The specification section containing detailed configuration settings for the DLM lifecycle policy.
spec.schedules object Yes Defines the schedules for snapshot management operations, allowing multiple named schedules.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name] object Yes A schedule configuration for managing the lifecycle of snapshots, identified by a unique name.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name].copy_tags boolean Yes Indicates whether tags should be copied from the source volume to the snapshots.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name].create_rule object Yes Defines the rules for creating snapshots, including timing and frequency.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name].create_rule.interval number Conditional The interval at which snapshots are taken.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name].create_rule.interval_unit string Conditional The unit of measurement for the interval, such as hours or days.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name].create_rule.times array Conditional Specific times of the day when snapshots should be created.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name].create_rule.cron_expression string Conditional A CRON expression specifying the snapshot creation schedule.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name].cross_region_copy_rules object Yes Defines rules for copying snapshots across AWS regions.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name].cross_region_copy_rules.[rule_name] object Yes A rule specifying how snapshots should be copied to another region.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name].cross_region_copy_rules.[rule_name].copy_tags boolean Yes Indicates whether tags should be copied along with the snapshot to the target region.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name].cross_region_copy_rules.[rule_name].encrypted boolean Yes Specifies whether the copied snapshot should be encrypted.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name].cross_region_copy_rules.[rule_name].retain_rule object Yes Defines how long the copied snapshots should be retained in the target region.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name].cross_region_copy_rules.[rule_name].retain_rule.interval number Yes The retention interval for the copied snapshots.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name].cross_region_copy_rules.[rule_name].retain_rule.interval_unit string Yes The unit of measurement for the retention interval, such as months.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name].cross_region_copy_rules.[rule_name].target string Yes The target AWS region where the snapshot will be copied.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name].retain_rule object Yes Specifies the retention rule for how long snapshots should be kept.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name].retain_rule.count number Yes The number of snapshots to retain.
spec.schedules.[schedule_name].tags_to_add object Yes Defines tags to be added to the snapshots created by this policy.
spec.target_tags object Yes Defines the tags used to identify which volumes should be managed by this lifecycle policy.

Each schedule is identified by a unique name (represented as [schedule_name]), and each cross-region copy rule within a schedule is also identified by a unique name (represented as [rule_name]).